Help me decide what truck to buy...

The wife and I have decided we've had enough of the ole Unimog... We're getting older and it's a bit too flashy now... with the chromed out rims and all (as seen here in this photo from the company Christmas party 3 years ago). With my rap career out of commission and considering that Bella's always been embarrassed by the thing anyway, I think it's time to trade up. We are thinking about moving to something a bit more...utility.. What do you think? (Remember safty is number one! We have a two year old!)

The smaller jeep-like Mog?

The newer truck-like Mog?

Or should we just go for the truck? I mean... we DO live in Texas, right?!
Post your advice here.
*Updated 1/9/05:
I should have actually waited until 4/1 to make this post. People are starting to attack me for my gas guzzling ways.
I don't know too much about trucks, but the old one is very flashy, like you said. Very impressive. Good luck with getting a new vehicle.
You should be ashamed! How can you Bush Bash in ONE post and brag about owning some military vehicle on another! You probably don't even get 4 MPG out of that thing. Your two year old won't have a planet to live on if you keep this up! Oh yeah! THEN you talk about owning a scooter??? You are VERY confused.
Gluttony... plain and simple. You might as well be a rapper or some sports player the way you swim in your excess. I hope you die of lung pollution.
Gluttony... plain and simple. You might as well be a rapper or some sports player the way you swim in your excess. I hope you die of lung pollution.
Yeah DOS... You found the key give away... I'm 6'2". If my wife were this much taller than me, she'd be about 6'6" or 6'7". It would have taken too long for me to make her shorter or make me bigger. Good catch! (but you had an advantage... you've seen me and my wife in person). Speaking of which... remember that law class we took together... that sucked, even though I did pretty good in there. It's just hard taking a class in a movie theater.
All those whips are tight dawg!
You need to keep rappin' do, for reals.
I can see the video in one of dem fat trucks and your tall ass wifey chillin'
straight mackin'
Austin, TX
Geek man heaven...nothin' but Mogs.
I plan on geting the new hybrid model. You now the bunny hugger special. :P who am i kidding I would get the one with the Big Ass smoke stack since i'm probably going to die from second hand smoke before the pollution has time to hit me HEHE. -Redneck
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