Ok. I think I found our new SUV! (running joke)

(Click to see Lieb282 in all it's massive glory)
We did a lot of research. What would be safe for the 2 year old in case of an accident? What would be roomy enough for the stroller, the diaper bag, groceries, a cooler and some toys? What would be unique and not blend in like every CR-V in Austin? What would make HumVee owners say "Oh SHIT!", when we come barreling down the road toward them?
Even the ole UNIMOG couldn't match the Liebherr-T282B for sheer axis-tilting mass. I don't know how I'm gonna find Spinners for this baby... I'm sure I can find something at a helicopter surplus store.
I think it's big enough... I could build a 3/2 in the back and still have room for a small lap pool and hot tub. Hrm... now I got myself thinking... I'll let you know what the wife says.
Went to the dealership and picked up a pamplet. I'm a little dissappointed it only goes 32 MPH. I'm gonna see if I can add a turbo to it. It might burn a bit more gas, but the tank is 830 Gallons, so I should be able to coast from one Diamond Shamrock to the next. If it ever run outta gas, I could just turn it into a bed and breakfast until the tanker truck arrives. See? I'm working out the details here. Keep ya posted.

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