Pranksters... You can always get a job overseas.
Sometimes, I wonder if foriegn companies hire Americans to help with product marketing and the people they hire take it upon themselves to try and boost sales to Americans by naming the product something funny. I mean, some of these things would prolly even be considered an HR violation. In other words... someone please send me a can of Vergina Beer from Greece so I can display it in my office. Go here to see what I mean.
Wait! There's more! A whole site dedicated to rude food.
Sorry Stacy... I hope you can call in sick or something today because if you read this at work you're outta there for sure!
That page was priceless. LOL I couldn't stop laughing. I am going to get in trouble at work.
Hehehe... I dare you to bring some of that stuff to work... Casually lay it on your desk and tell people you picked it up at the local foreign food grocery and that you never noticed that it had a funny name.
"Hrm.. You know, I never really noticed that this stuff was named JussiPussi. Weird!"
I can see the HR people commenting on this one. That and my supervisor staring at the item, wondeing if I am trying to push some agenda. Rude food I will look at when I get home.
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