(Good god! I think an ugly truck just ran over your foot!)
This one forced me to revive GeekAustin. I haven't posted here in some time (sorry to those of you who used to actually read my rants).
If you have been keeping up, you know I like a good shoe. I like to buy shoes at Nordy's. I was checking to see if their site showed any more Adidas Utility's available (love that shoe).
As I was scanning I was stopped in my tracks. It was like my eyeballs had hit a brick wall covered in shards of broken glass. What I saw was THIS! The Chuck Taylor Converse "Specialty Hi Cabin" sneaker for men. They would have been better off calling it the Chuck Taylor Converse "Specialty Ronald McFunkinDONALD" sneaker for clowns. This bitch is UGLY!
I tell you what. I propose a challenge. If someone can send in photos of themselves actually wearing these in a stylish manner (without being a clown), I will henceforth refer to you as "Your Flyness"... because anyone who can pull THIS look off and NOT look like a clown is a fashion GOD! But, I caution you. Should you submit a photo and NOT pull off the look, your photo will be posted here for the world to see which will undoubtedly ruin your chances of ever using your penis for anything other than peeing or using it as a tent poll / towel hook. You have been warned.
Labels: Ugly