Monday, May 30, 2005

No geekiness for a full week.

(I'm leavin' on a jet plane)

Not to say I won't be doing anything geeky. I'm sure that I'll be watching Episode III again, but I'll be doing so in Jacksonville, FL. What does that mean to you the GeekAustin reader? It means you'll have more time to spend with the family and friends for a whole week. Enjoy! See ya next week.


Friday, May 27, 2005

Functional little Google page

(not as exciting as PSP licking, but much more sanitary!)

Stumbled across this today. A nice, clean functional way to use Google to its full extent. Try it and see if it makes your bookmarks. It's

Monday, May 23, 2005

This just in: Bush is Sith

(Emperor Bush as seen back in 2000) Posted by Hello

You probably remember hearing the "You are either for us or against us" speech from President Bush. Well... Remember that when you are watching Episode III. Obi Wan will let you in on a little secret about people who speak in absolutes.

(I guess that tells you who Lucas voted for, eh?)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Now YOU can be a mad graf bomber.

(check the phat piece!)

That's right... You don't even have to buy a dozen cans of Krylon and a pocket fulla caps. Just go to this site to check it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Nokia next-gen N-Gage?! Cooooould be.

(Whoa! Maybe Bizzaro was RIGHT!)

I know just yesterday I was dissin' Bizzaro because he preferred the N-Gage. Well, maybe he knew something I didn't, cause this baby looks seckzy! I'll tell you this though. I find it nearly impossible for a company that concentrates on phones to make a slammin' handheld. Nokia should have teamed up with Nintindo to integrate the GB Micro into this phone. THAT would be BOMBIN'!. There's no way they could beat 'em, so they might as well JOIN 'em.

Until then... Bizzaro, yer still a lewz3r. Why don't you use your superpowers to prove me wrong. I'm WAAAAITING.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

w00t! I hope everygeek enjoys...

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Lumaray FL6 LED Flashlight Review

(caution: Heavy drool zone)

This piece of geekware is sooooo damn seckzy. I think The Gadgeteer review says it all:

Lumaray FL6 LED Flashlight Review: "If I was the prop director for the next blockbuster science fiction movie, there would be no question in my mind about which flashlight the hero would carry - it would have to be The Lumaray FL6.

I mean, just take a look at it; the Lumaray is futuristic, to say the least. The torch end looks like something HR Giger could have designed, and in its present incarnation the FL6 could easily be used in one of the two upcoming James Cameron sci-fi flicks without fans crying 'foul'."

gizmag Article: First 150mph Tango electric performance commuter to be delivered next week

I was almost tempted to post this on TheScooterScoop instead. That's one skinny-assed car, but I've seen the video and it rocks!

Here's a Snippit:

gizmag Article: First 150mph Tango electric performance commuter to be delivered next week: "May 19, 2005 No folks, this is not an optical illusion or a Photoshop-enhanced image - this is the Tango. The Tango is a carbon fibre, two seater electric commuter vehicle that will reach 60mph in four seconds and 150 mph in a few seconds more – a radical, pollution-free solution to the problem of transport in congested urban environments. The first batch of 100 vehicles goes to market next week when actor George Clooney takes delivery of the first US$85,000 pocket rocket to come off the production line."

See some video of it in ACTION on the website former known as TECHTV. It's bizzar to watch it in action... It's like the physics cops need to give this thing a ticket!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Playstation 3 gets some Bat-Lubbin'

(WOW! Another shining review)

Got a link from (only accessable with a superhero VPN connection) and the guys and gals over there are REALLY feelin' the PS3... ESPECIALLY Wonder Woman and Catwoman. I didn't know they were such big gamers. Batman wrote up a little piece and did some testing... He was kinda feelin' it, but said something about "not being able to hold his body weight". I'm thinkin' "Come ON man! This is a game system, not a step stool... or whatever you wanna use it for." I'm sure they had to cut corners SOMEWHERE to get down the price point. If Batman wants something stronger, he should have someone make a custom adamantite case or controller or whatever.

They didn't bother to do any coverage of the actual games... Maybe their too busy. Hell! If I got my friggin' GAMES in, I'd review the HELL out the PS3... WHAT'S THE HOLD UP SONY?

I always thought the guys at BatGaget were a little lame when it comes to gaming. Then you got sourpusses like Aquaman and Manta who are always doggin' electrical gadgets. Screw 'em... you can't please EVERYONE right? And then there's Bizzaro who says he prefers the Nokia N-Gage. Lewz3r.

The PS3 reviews are pouring in...

(These guys give it a flying "w00t!")

Got my copy of AboriginalTech today and read the review. Pintupi, seen here holding the PS3 controller says "It's one hell of a controller mate. I've only had it in me possession for twenty four hours and I've already fragged TWELVE wombats with her. A real 'bute!"

Pintupi says the PS3 controller is SO advanced, you don't even need power to use it. I'm impressed. Maybe Sony is using some sort of kinetic energy generator... I'm not sure. He hasn't given any details on game play, frame rates or audio. I know it's still early but at LEAST tell us if the movies we've seen are TRUELY game play or really just pre-render crap. More news as it comes in.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Sony Playstation 3 hands on review!

(w00t! GeekAustin Reviews the PS3!)

Wow! It's great being a big time media rep! When Sony gives you a call and asks for you to do a piece on the new PS3, I mean... How can you turn it DOWN? Well... they didn't actually call me. I sorta found it lying in my driveway behind my CR-V.

Just there... on the ground. I was totally stoked that it arrived just before the big announcement. I'm not sure why UPS wouldn't have knocked or somthing... and I also thought it to be strange that Sony didn't even bother to put it in a box, but it was great to get to get a hands-on unit before ANYONE else in the world. BEAT THAT JOYSTIQ!

Well, all I can say is this... IT'S FANTASTIC! The controller is unlike anything you've every held before. Wireless and completely natural. Sony REALLY raised the bar with this one. The controller even had integrated iSmell. VERY innovative. My controller was stuck in like... I dunno, bananna(?) mode. Perhaps it's a beta issue. I'm sure they'll have it fixed in the final release.

I still haven't quite got the video working and they didn't include any games, but I'm sure that's a small oversight. I'll be calling Sony in the morning to see when to expect the rest of the shipment. I CAN'T WAIT! I'll keep you posted... Until then, this is GeekAustin signing off!

Sony hasn't returned my calls yet. It's all good though. I got a friend that works for Sony. His IM says "N/A" right now, but as soon as he pops online I'll see when to expect the rest of the unit and the games and stuff...

The controller is totally weird though. It's got like a color changing paint job. Who knows how much THAT costs to implement, but this morning it's kinda brownish with some cool dot effect and the stupid iSmell won't turn off. I imagine it will run outta juice here in a bit. Even the fruit flys are confused by this thing. Those guys at Sony are sooooooo friggin' out there! This thing Rawks!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

If they keep this up I'm gonna have to go into rehab.

(damnit! I'll never get back the moments I spent hooked on the mindlessness)

Just when I thought it was safe to use Stumble! I ran into this site.
I'd say... about as weird as the last one I posted. Get ready take a small, unrecoverable piece of your life and spend it clicking and asking "WTF?".

Friday, May 13, 2005

beat THIS! Spinners for your teef!

(I wonder if they come in twenty fo's. Click to see a close up)

This doctor'd up image doesn't do justice for these babys. Go check out too see them in action. In the meantime, I'll write a fake review:

Wow! What can I say? The T180's are the BOMB! The UPS man dropped them off this morning and I couldn't wait to slap 'em on my grill. First thing I noticed was the fit. Like a glove... and they SHOULD have because I spent all that loot getting a mould of my teeth in the first place. The only thing a bit uncomfortable was the actually spinners... They made my top lip stick out a bit, you know like when you bored with a piece of chewing come and you stick it to your top teeth, under your lip. Kinda weird.

Well, I tried them out on my baby's momma and she was HYP-NO-TIZED by their blinged out spinnin' action. She couldn't refuse the game I was kickin'. Well worth the $300+ I had to shell out.... AND they match my hub caps, my chain, my belt buckle, my watch, my ring, AND my shoes. Dude, when I walk down the street I make people dizzy! At work the guys in IT call me the Spin Doctor. If I jog at a slow pace (like when I'm heading to the company cafeteria) I begin building up a gyroscopic force. After about 10 minutes I can't control the direction of my limbs. I have to stop and wait for everything to spin down.

Here's another submission from HARDC0RE MARK (oops... Sorry that link is dead. Mark's image was recognized by the feds and was picked up with an outstanding warrent for his arrest). This is how he rolls when he's workin' for the man. Obviously there is no shame in his game. His pimp-hand is strong & his game is TIGHT! He makes the ladies say "aaahhhhhh riiiiight!"

So, would I buy them again? Hells yeah! Nothing says, "Don't f$*k wit me b1tch a'for I have to put the smack down!" better than a spinnin' grill! Who knows? I might even use them when I ask for a raise at the office. I'm sure it's a done deal. Especially if I get the "IBM4LIFE" name buckle.

(But seriously tho... the scrolling led dog-tag? SLAMMIN'!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

In the geeky geeky month of May!

(Geeks rejoice!)

May (this month) is like the perfect storm of geek months. I mean, how much better can you get? Let me count the ways:
1) THE FINAL installment of Star Wars including the introduction of Vader. If Vader would only kill Jar-Jar... nevermind... I shutter at the thought of such perfection.

2) Hitchhikers Guide finally comes to the big screen (well.. that was last month, but close enuf)

3) E3 happens this month WITH the introduction of the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, AND the Nintendo Revolution. That's big!

Grrr.. I know there's more. I'll update as it comes to me.

***UPDATE*** WTF? What more do you WANT!? THIS IS ALL BIG NEWS! (except for maybe HHG... I just wanna see the Henson work, since I'm a Jim Henson fanboy)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Maple Syrup + kitty hugs = loads-of-laughs

(My Baby! She's growin' a BEARD!)

I had to get a shot of this. After my daughters breakfast of waffles she decided she wanted to give the cats a great big hug. Well, just as the old wives tale goes, "Iffin' you eat you some waffles and hug yous a cat, you'll grow yerself a beard." It's absolutely true. I'll be sure to try something similar as my hair thins out.

Cool drink of the week - Dragon Brand "Water"

This can has a eerie green glow. Posted by Hello

and it's SEE-THRU! Posted by Hello

pretty cool, eh? Transparent aluminum?

Well... not really. It's just a plastic bottle(?) with an aluminum top but it makes for a pretty trippy can. The flavor (flavour if you speak English versus American) of this can was Star Fruit. On the can it says "Carambola Flavour Aerated Mineral Water". I don't know what Carambola is, but it sounds like a deadly virus that affects the hispanic population...
"Aye Carrumba" + "ebola" = Carambola!

I also bought green apple flavour and liked it better. Where can you get this stuff? Well, only at your local Asian Grocery. There was quite a few flavours, but I only picked out two. Shopping in a tightly packed Asian Grocery with a two-year-old trying to pick up all the dried fishes and stuff is hard work.

Conclusion: I'd buy Green Apple Water again.

Smart has competition?

You know I like small cars... Looks there are others out there besides Smart!

all for now.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Jimmy Kimmel made me pee my pants

you HAVE to watch this video

Caution: I will not pay to have pee cleaned from you garmets.

Mystery Doritos

(From Mexico...Dorito Incognito)

Brought these back from our little trip to Bustamante. Doritos Incognita. If you look carefully, you'll see what flavors are inside... The little tornado shows limes, and chilis and a little question mark. The little question mark is for "Who the hell knows"... and that's what they taste like. Actually, when you open the bag it smells like curry katsup. When you finally take a deep breath and shove them in your mouth, the flavor kinda morphs... It starts out kinda sweet and curry like, then it's sour then it's kinda spicy and salty. Over all, not bad. The wife even liked them. Mexico seems to be on the "Mystery Flavor" wagon because I also bought Pepsi FIRE and nowhere on the bottle does it say what it tastes like. I guess that's a good way to get people to buy in. "HEY! Try this! It's mysterious!" Would I want them to come to the US? Eh... They weren't THAT exciting. I think I'd like to try some of the other flavors... There's "Impulsive Enchiladas", "Radiant or Radioactive Green", "Bold Nacho", "Pizzariolas", and "3D".

That's the best part of visiting new places. Everything is new!

I have to tell you, I went to a mall in Mexico and ate at the Mexican equivalent of Krystals (see: White Castle). Some place that serves tiny little Gorditas. I wish I could remember the name. Googling it did not help either. But it was yummy and cheep and prolly good whilst drunk at 3am. (maybe it was Dona Tota or Doña Tota). Slamming none the less.

Mystery Pepsi

(From Mexico...Pepsi FIRE)

Someone else kinda beat me to the punch and then sorta trumped me with a posting on both Pepsi Fire and Pepsi Ice. My opinion... Well, my bottle was expired since the beginning of the month. I guess in the little town of Bustamante, their stock doesn't get replenished very often... but I didn't really like it... and neither did the pregnant but LOVELY wife. It was a tad bit like pepsi... with cinnamon... and red food coloring. Does it need to come to America? Send me a fresh bottle and I'll make up my mind for sure, but for now... "NO".

If you like to find out about crazy foods you CAN'T have in America... check out the Sixth Dude likes to review and I like to read... so it works out nicely, even IF the guy is a meth-head. I ain't got nothin' agains meth-heads.. HELL! Some of my best FRIENDS are meth-heads... or... meth... maybe....ohhh... menth... menthol.. nevermind... it's not the same.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

See! It WASN'T a lie.

very funny... whoever decided to send this. They must have had a COTBL filter for Photoshop because you can see "Tha Creature" clear as day now.

Thanks! People were starting to think I made the whole thing up!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

So What The Fuss - Stevie Wonder new Single

So What The Fuss - Stevie Wonder new Single

I am a Stevie Wonder fan... Since I was a wee little lad I'd say a pretty big fan. I've got thirty-somthing of his CD's. I've got a poster, tour jacket, post card, albums, blabahdee-blah blah. I am also anxiously awaiting the release of his new album. Should be out any day now. I can smell it.

Well, my friend Scott pointed over to this site with a preview of his new single "So What The Fuss"... and I'm afraid what happend to George Lucas is happening to Stevie Wonder. This song is sooooo clean and contrived you could eat off of it. The way I see it is, great artists tend to get so wrapped up in perfection that their work begins loosing its soul. This song actually reminds me of a song from Stevie's last album (the title of the song escapes me right now) and that album was also too clean... lacking that "something heavy" that used to squeeze your chest and force a tear from your eye. When you get a chance, pull out your Fulfillingness' First Finale disc, put on your good headphones, sit back in a dark room and listen. That's some heavy $#!+ right there. "Heaven is 10 Zillion Miles Away"?!?? "They Won't Go When I Go"?!?! Come-on man! You can't get much heavier than THAT!

Will I buy the the new CD? Yes... and the singles too... But will it have the same rotation as those early 70's gems? Eh, prolly not. I still love you Stevie! Don't get me wrong... But, I will hope that next album you work with a producer who's gonna make you get dirty with it... bring back the HEAVY and also try to get you off that Hip-hop, Dance-hall rapid-fire lyric delivery. I know you love you some hip-hop & dance-hall... but I wanna understand what you're sayin' on the first listen.

Thanks for the Music!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Image hosted by
(This image was shot just moments before the "creature-from-the-black-lagoon" attack)

Well, I can't be SURE it was the creature from the black lagoon... But it was scary none the less. We're chillin', out on Fred's boat (that's Fred on the left), and it's beginning to get dark. We turned down some dark little water way then BLAM! The boat starts makin' funny noises. Fred floors it (or whatever you do with boats) and the motor starts makin' all this noise and you can smell something funny. Fred, with a nervous smile says, "Don't worry, it's prolly some weeds. I'll get us outta here." The wife is looking a bit panicked and Miranda is confused and I'm thinking... "Oh, $#!+... We're gonna be swimmin' tonight."

All was well in the end. I dove off the boat, swam below the water, took care of business and we all ate bar-b-qued creature-from-the-black-lagoon for dinner. Kidding. We DID get back to our launch point (A restaurant called The Boatdock), and everyone was happy.

The next day Bella said that she had fun despite the attack. Thanks for the fun time Fred! We were trying to live by the "Do something everyday that scares you" rule, and it was good. Today I think I'll gargle with NEW Jalapeno Listerine Xtreme and rub my entire body with Nair. I'll let you know how that works out.

PS> Tested out Photobucket... Hope it works better than Bloggerbot. Thanks Stacy!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I think I figured out what's wrong with my Bloggerbot

(Bloggerbot seen here shortly after I've submitted a request to post an image)

It seems Gir (robot from Invader Zim), has found a new job after his show was canceled. He is the Bloggerbot, thus explaining why I cannot post images to my blogs. I think I'm gonna switch to TypePad and just cough up the $5.00/month. I could host the images on my web server, but the whole resizing, uploading, thing is a pain in the backside.

Google / Picasa / Hello... if you're out there. Please fix this problem. We appreciate it.

Baconaid isn't just a tall cool salty drink anymore!

Bacon Strips Bandages

This is pretty sweet on multiple levels. First, BACON is the all powerful food stuff. Not even vegetarians can deny the power of BACON! Second, anyone who's been a skater in the 80's (I don't know 'cause I don't skate anymore but it might still apply today) should know that a concrete induced scab is called "Bacon". Lastly, it's just out there... Someone spent the time, money and effort to make adhesive bandage strips (bandaids to you and me) that look like little strips of bacon. I love 'em for it. I think Nelly should wear one on his face.