Tuesday, January 11, 2005

D.C. Getting Burned for Bush's Party (washingtonpost.com)

D.C. Getting Burned for Bush's Party (washingtonpost.com)

I'll just quote a small piece:
"Let's see if I've got this straight: The Bush White House is planning to hold the most expensive presidential inauguration in U.S. history, in the midst of a war in Iraq and in the aftermath of a disaster that has the world in mourning, and the administration wants the District to help pay for the spectacle -- by diverting federal money from the city's homeland security budget, no less.

Surely, the Bush administration couldn't be that thoughtless. Could it?"

I think that sums it up.


Blogger Unknown said...

This left me rather speechless, and sad.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

*Steve puts his pinky to the corner of his mouth*
A $40 MILLION party...

Too bad our leadership is not as selfless as it used to be...
"President Franklin Roosevelt, who celebrated his trimmed-down 1945 inaugural with cold chicken salad and pound cake."

I wonder how bad the government will have to get before the people fight back?

4:12 PM  

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