Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rummy proves America doesn't mind liars.

If we didn't like liars, why would we keep them around?
Here's a funnier version if you need a little sugar to help it go down.
Here's a foxier version if you need a little denial to help it go down.

And if you are a fan... I'm sorry. Here's a little Rumsfeld booster shot to help you feel better about the whole thing and pretend it didn't even happen. There's nothing to see here, just ignore the government and go about your business.

My theme song for most news outlets today from UB40. Download and blast!

Hrm... well... that's done. Let's see. We got a ban on Transfats... Rummy is gone... What else do we put on our wishlist?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Best commercial featuring Hip-Hop

Of course it's for a brand of fader not a soda, so you'd expect it to be good. You may know that I'm an oldschool hip-hop from the late 80's and when I saw this the first time a few months ago I was blown away! The hand movements completely match the sound being produced. Outside of the arms not having a shadow, PERFECTION! I finally hunted it down and now I'm sharing it with you.