Our little bundle turns TWO!

Jan 23, 2005 marks the second celebration of Miranda's day of birth. With cake, family and festivities the event was held in our humble apartment due to the sudden cold-front (temps in the 40s and 50s for just 2 days returing to 77 on Tuesday). Thanks to everyone for making it a success! Mark and Terry provided great food and drink, Tracy helped to make sure Great Gran could join in on the party. Peggy (Grandma) offered stunning, handmade bracelet gifts to all the girls at the celebration. We also had special guests Nikki and Mya from Orlando and Steve, Christine and Faith from upstairs. The celebration continued at Zen on SoCo where we met up with Justin, Erin and Alex for a little bowl of noodles and some cake.
We all had a blast and hope that little Mya's ear is feeling better soon (ear ache).
That's great. Happy B-Day Miranda!!
-Tha WZA
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