Seriously Good Product of the Week
We're starting a new weekly topic here at GeekAustin called ... just what the title says...
THIS week, I recommended:

The Panasonic NP-G100P 7.2-Quart 1300-Watts of Infrared Toaster Oven LOVIN'!
Those you know me also know that I'm a shameful beliver in Consumer Reports. My vacuume, my sneakers, my toothpaste... all top ranking in CR magazine. I'm a sucker for "professional & unbiased" ratings. I get especially giddy when I see an item on that has more than 50 four and five star consumer ratings and that's EXACTLY what we have here... The NP-G100P gets an astounding 97 four and five star ratings (mostly 5). People obviously were enammered by this product... Enough to write in and brag... So, now I want one and you should too. Luckly for me, it is currently out of stock in Amazon, so I'll have to wait. If you get one, lemme know what you think and if I get my hands on one, I'll write a FULL review. UNTIL NEXT WEEK, this is Steve the "Seriously Good Product" announcer, signing off.
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