Wednesday, May 11, 2005

In the geeky geeky month of May!

(Geeks rejoice!)

May (this month) is like the perfect storm of geek months. I mean, how much better can you get? Let me count the ways:
1) THE FINAL installment of Star Wars including the introduction of Vader. If Vader would only kill Jar-Jar... nevermind... I shutter at the thought of such perfection.

2) Hitchhikers Guide finally comes to the big screen (well.. that was last month, but close enuf)

3) E3 happens this month WITH the introduction of the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, AND the Nintendo Revolution. That's big!

Grrr.. I know there's more. I'll update as it comes to me.

***UPDATE*** WTF? What more do you WANT!? THIS IS ALL BIG NEWS! (except for maybe HHG... I just wanna see the Henson work, since I'm a Jim Henson fanboy)


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