So What The Fuss - Stevie Wonder new Single
So What The Fuss - Stevie Wonder new Single
I am a Stevie Wonder fan... Since I was a wee little lad I'd say a pretty big fan. I've got thirty-somthing of his CD's. I've got a poster, tour jacket, post card, albums, blabahdee-blah blah. I am also anxiously awaiting the release of his new album. Should be out any day now. I can smell it.
Well, my friend Scott pointed over to this site with a preview of his new single "So What The Fuss"... and I'm afraid what happend to George Lucas is happening to Stevie Wonder. This song is sooooo clean and contrived you could eat off of it. The way I see it is, great artists tend to get so wrapped up in perfection that their work begins loosing its soul. This song actually reminds me of a song from Stevie's last album (the title of the song escapes me right now) and that album was also too clean... lacking that "something heavy" that used to squeeze your chest and force a tear from your eye. When you get a chance, pull out your Fulfillingness' First Finale disc, put on your good headphones, sit back in a dark room and listen. That's some heavy $#!+ right there. "Heaven is 10 Zillion Miles Away"?!?? "They Won't Go When I Go"?!?! Come-on man! You can't get much heavier than THAT!
Will I buy the the new CD? Yes... and the singles too... But will it have the same rotation as those early 70's gems? Eh, prolly not. I still love you Stevie! Don't get me wrong... But, I will hope that next album you work with a producer who's gonna make you get dirty with it... bring back the HEAVY and also try to get you off that Hip-hop, Dance-hall rapid-fire lyric delivery. I know you love you some hip-hop & dance-hall... but I wanna understand what you're sayin' on the first listen.
Thanks for the Music!
Stevie Wonder i love your hit new single whats the fuss and i love you
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