Playstation 3 gets some Bat-Lubbin'
(WOW! Another shining review)
Got a link from (only accessable with a superhero VPN connection) and the guys and gals over there are REALLY feelin' the PS3... ESPECIALLY Wonder Woman and Catwoman. I didn't know they were such big gamers. Batman wrote up a little piece and did some testing... He was kinda feelin' it, but said something about "not being able to hold his body weight". I'm thinkin' "Come ON man! This is a game system, not a step stool... or whatever you wanna use it for." I'm sure they had to cut corners SOMEWHERE to get down the price point. If Batman wants something stronger, he should have someone make a custom adamantite case or controller or whatever.
They didn't bother to do any coverage of the actual games... Maybe their too busy. Hell! If I got my friggin' GAMES in, I'd review the HELL out the PS3... WHAT'S THE HOLD UP SONY?
I always thought the guys at BatGaget were a little lame when it comes to gaming. Then you got sourpusses like Aquaman and Manta who are always doggin' electrical gadgets. Screw 'em... you can't please EVERYONE right? And then there's Bizzaro who says he prefers the Nokia N-Gage. Lewz3r.
A baterang replacement.
I'm use it as a baterang replacement, ok?
Step stool? please.
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