Multi-national corps care for Europeans more than they do Americans.
(Nabisco - More effective at defeating homeland security than the Taliban)
Check out this piece on Transfats and Oreo. Proof again that as long as Americans don't complain about being fed Transfats and High Fructose Corn Syrup, they'll keep spoon feeding it to us.
Corporate Cookies - Newsweek Society - "Maybe this wasn't Watergate, but I had caught Kraft in a creamy white lie: It's not difficult at all to get Oreos without partially hydrogenated soybean oil (which was invented 100 years ago as a candle wax but worked so good as a fat substitute that Proctor and Gamble called it Crisco and sold it to housewives)."
In summary... Kraft (Nabisco) was saying they couldn't produce Transfat free Oreos... but they do already in Europe. Why??? Because Europeans won't stand for big corps feeding them the lowest forms of food. How long will it take for us to thrust out our palms against them and say "No more!"? One day we will look back on these times like we now look back at the old black-lung coal miners and say "How could they not know that all that coal dust was killing them?"... How could we not know that this crappy "food" is killing us?
Oh... thought it might be helpful to let you know what Transfats do. Here's what Gersh says:
"trans-fats, those pernicious frankenlipids that not only
clog your arteries, but actually help lower your "good" cholesterol at the same time. Trans-fats like partially hydrogenated soybean oil are so omnipresent in the American diet that even the government eventually noticed it and, starting next year, food producers like Kraft will be
forced to reveal on the nutritional label how many grams of trans-fats are in each serving."
You would think there wouldn't be that much of a lag between Europe and America when the information is readily available to both.
Could it be more of a political problem or are European consumers more proactive?
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