Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Seriously Good Product of the Week

(The Truffel Shaver)

Well, I didn't do my homework this week... So I'm turning in this pieceahcrap report in hopes that I at LEAST get a good chuckle from the teacher and maybe a little red smiley face next to my big flaming "F".

Tell me this. When was the last time you gave your truffels a good shavin'? You know how delicate these things can be and NOBODY likes hairy truffels. Well, Dean and Deluca has just the tool for you. The Dean and Deluca Truffel Shaver! Keep your truffels baby's butt smooth, with the D&D Truf-Shaver. Your partner will thank you for it and at $22, it's a STEAL!

Sorry to LaRock... there are no left-handed models and I DON'T suggest you attempt to shave your truffels with a right handed truffel shaver... at least by yourself. We don't want you coming back to us to "kiss 'em and make 'em better".

Posted by Hello


Blogger Unknown said...

How expensive are truffles? I see them on Iron Chef all the btime, and I get this feeling they're pricey. Fill me in.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truffel's Are like Coca $600.00lb, to rich for my blood. http://www.foodsubs.com/Mushroom.html -Shoguz

8:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How do they taste. For 600 a pound, I'm like damn. Taste better knock me off my feet.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Hrm... I've never eaten a truffle... Says here:

"Their flavor is piquant and aromatic, and they have been esteemed as a delicacy from ancient times."

Which doesn't really tell you jack... You can read more at: http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/t1/truffle.asp

I'll stick to a fungus that I can afford... Athelete's foot and Jock Itch. :P~

1:15 PM  

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