I hope no one I know falls for these.
(darn! how many times do I have to update my records?!)
Oh brother... Phisherman really get on my nerves. Not so much because they prey on poor newbies and steal their account info then drain the accounts of all their money, but because they are from other countries and their english is atrocious. I know my spelling is bad, but give me a break! They do all that hard work to grab the PayPal logos, and attach a rerouted link to what appears to be a legit paypal.com address, but they can't get an American to pitch-in and proof the english. COME ON GUYS! Slide some American hacker a few bucks and let them help you out here... For example:
"It has come to our attention that due some internet frauds some accounts have been stolen."
What?! If someone reads that and still get's taken they deserve it... Unless they are old and just getting the hang of this internet fangled thingy... In which case, I feel bad for them and they should have their grandkids come over to help them figure this stuff out.
But I leave you with this... PLEASE for the love of Vannevar Bush, DO NOT do anything "name and password" related through an e-mail or instant message request. DON'T get taken and reward these cheap Phishing bastards who can't even come off the hip to get their English done right. That's all for now. Good day and happy easter.
(and if you see a font prob... please ignore it.... Blogger is kinda crappy with fonts)
![Posted by Hello](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbh.gif)
People's greed and general evil-vibe never cease to amaze me. Ugh. Karma is gonna bite those wankers right in the ass eventually.
If you have any doubts about your PayPal or eBay...or even your online banking...acounts, open a new browser window and sign into your account and look around.
once i tracked down and found the person who sent me a phish..."whois.com" and View Source are handy and fun.
I copied her contact info, AND E-MAILED IT TO HER telling her that someone knows who she is and what she's trying.
I copied that e-mail to her ISP.
Tee-heeeee! Being a webmaster is fun!
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