Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ignorance is bliss... Knowledge is depressing.

(should come with a shot of Mylanta)

Well... My subscription to Mother Jones magazine finally came in. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I've never been a reader prior to January '05, but heard some good stuff about it. I guess I thought it was going to be more like Utne or MentalFloss... A mixture of wit and wisdom, but it turns out that Mother Jones magazine is a mixture of Doom and Gloom. I got halfway through the issue and found out about: Private companies snuggling up to the government taking heaps of our tax loot to do a bad job filling in for what the governement should be doing. Rat Poison companies buying the EPA so they can keep their poisons on the shelves and not limit the purchase to licensed individuals. Drug companies finding untapped markets in the sleeping pill arena and making blitz campaigns to convince us that we are all insomniacs.

There was one "feel-good" article about Nicholas Reville and Holmes Wilson. They are making a HUGE impact on the music industry and trying to get money from the listener to the artist.

Another little bit that could be summed up as "50 reasons to elope and not buy a diamond".

Then it was back to Gloom with Big Halliburton type companies getting government contracts without having to compete, by hiding behind small Native owned businesses. Basically they can come in with their Eskimo mask on and demand however much money they want.

Lastly I was saddened by the Bushmen of the Kalahari being kicked off of their land (of 30,000 years), so the government can mine for diamonds. Greedy bastards.

That's as far as I got before I gripped my stomach and ran for the antactids. Terrible, horrible stuff. A friend of mine asked "You say governent is deciteful, but how do you know that THEY (MJ writers) are telling the truth and not promoting THEIR own agenda?" and really no one knows unless they are there for themselves. Everything else is just trust and faith.

In the end, it's a bitter pill to swallow for a recovering member of the Sheeple. It's MUCH easier to happily take your tax "refund" and run down to the Walmart and blow it all on cheap crap with a little left over for a big mac at Mickey Dees.

If you wanna see things that you won't catch on the evening news, and you've been feeling a bit TOO joyful lately... You can either wait for your depression meds to run out or pick up a copy of Mother Jones Magazine! Either way you'll be feeling gloomy again in NO time!
Posted by Hello


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