Monday, February 28, 2005

What was in the mystery envelope?

So... After 150 bids and attacting over 168,000 views, Mr. joynersgeneralstore finally got rid of that old "Mystery Envelope" meme machine of his for the confounding sum of US$7600 (plus shipping) proving that old addage that Canadians ARE smarter comedians than Americans.

Not only that, but when he converts the cash over to Canadian he'll look even RICHER (and smarter) with CAN $9,430.08 in his account.

DAMN GENIUS! Now... You know what else would be smart? If the winner "golden palace casino" actually used it as a ploy to attact visits. That in itself would be worth $10,000! I should have mortgaged the house and bought it, then sold it to Miller Brewing Company for $20,000. But, as happens to all things meme, the deluge of knock-offs will gradually deminish the value of the whole movement and people will eventually forget it ever happened or they'll vaugely remember it, like some senile story of "the one that got away" or "Dubya doing a kick-ass job in office".

As of the closing of the bids last night at 8pm, 26 other "Mystery Envelope" items have closed and an additional 137 have popped up for sale... That was soooooo yesterday of them.


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