Tuesday, February 15, 2005

On the set with the prototype 3DVX.2 Stereo 3D Videocamera

(To see more, click the above image)

I wouldn't exactly call it Gadget Pr0n, since he didn't get a chance to splay it out on a piece of red velvet, but a close friend of mine was recently on location with the guys from 21st Century 3D and got some sweet shots of the 3D multiplexer responsible for all of the camera's juicy 3D goodness (for the curious video geek, of course).

Hoisting this thing around isn't a job for the biceptually challenged. As you can see from the short image library, a 3D camera operator is not someone you want to get into a drunken bar brawl with. It's basically two DVX-100A cameras some aluminum framing, cables and the multiplexer on the top. Estimated to be around 15 pounds... Held outstretched... for hours...

Read more about it here.
Thanks to Cameraman/Director extraordinaire Ed Honzik for the images!

Posted by Hello


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