The life and times of a recovering geek trying to unplug in Austin, Texas.
About Me
- Name: Steve
- Location: Austin, Texas, United States
(news: Look for EVpulse.com) Evie is the cleaner, greener and slightly obsessive sister blog to TheScooterScoop.com. As your newsfeed on everything ELECTRIC we cover Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV), Light Electric Vehicles(LEV), Personal Electric Vehicles (PEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Plug-in Electric Cars (BEV or Battery Electric Vehicles)... let's see are we forgetting anything? Eh, I'm sure we are. Stay plugged in to see what happens next.
Previous Posts
- Tiny Music Blurb - Toni never sounded better
- 10 Steps for Coping with an Orlando / Austin move
- Target... I gave you too much credit
- Google Earth one word review - DAMN!
- Tour the world with Google!
- PF Flyers Brogue - WTF Shoe of 2005
- Geeks start your bidding
- Top 5 Shoes I like for 2005
- You'll need some ugly shoes to walk an ugly dog.
- Computer Drugs - Slip Slidin' Away
The Scooter Scoop - Fun Gear, News and ReviewsBella Guzman - Graphic Design
YourWayWeb - Austin WebDev
Gizmodo - Gadget Blog
Engadget - Gizmo Blog
Sean for Vegas Real Estate
Free Online Antivirus
Free Anti-Spyware
MF Doom - Forum
Crashlander - Funnys
Latest Greatest Scooter News
MichauX - Austin's R&B
Kumbia Kings - Buy Fuego
The place for Piaggio in Austin
Mark's Supafly Website
THE recording studio in the ATL
The ATX's freshest coffee
The Ninjabrain - Jokes and fun miscellany
Hey STACY! Get Fon-kay
Tom Sunstrom for Austin Real Estate
A real blog about Austin
Carrie Contey, my early parenting coach
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I came across your blog and just thought I'd say "hi."
Enjoy a week off from blogging.
w00t! I'm back! The weather was SCHWEET in California.
So wassup Stacy. Went to yer blog... Is the news GOOD?
Biotress... Keep up the poetical flow! We'll be looking for the book next.
(all these exclaimation points... Do I seem to excited!?! I need to calm down!)
The news sucked (I was going to an interview for a new job-didn't work out) I am still looking for something new though.
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