Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Land of Guilty Pleasures BLOG

Coming soon... The Land of Guilty Pleasures Publog. It's still in the works, but I was inspired by http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ to do something similar... No I never claimed to be Mr. Originality.

I know people have Obsessions, Compulsions and little guilty pleasures (not necessarily sex related) that they would like to get out there in the open... to figuratively let them flap in the breeze and be cleansed by the internet's eternal sunshine allowing you to embrace those feelings and inhale their new spring-fresh goodness... Or at the other end of the spectrum, you can read scathing comments from others humiliating you and your anonymity so that you can continue enjoying being soothed by your Hidamari no Tami in shame and in the privacy of your home office never to reveal this dark secret even to your closest loved one.

Prepare your pictures because I'll begin accepting submissions soon!


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