Friday, February 11, 2005

I've seen the future and it's.... Naked!

According to the Wearable Technology Showcase, the future will be VERY revealing. Apparently in the future, they use sex to counteract the sex-repulsing properties of hightech gadgetry to make it a little more pallatable to wear a pair of "Cyclops goggles wired to a steel brick" in public. (Note to self... shave... legs.)

Studies show that the measurement of one's gadget-based geekfactor is inversely proportional to the number of square inches of exposed flesh on the geek in question (multiplied by a "fine" factor of course) which, taking into account the amount of gadetry and lack of exposed flesh AND a negative fine factor, would make BORG the geekiest beings ever followed by, and I hate to say it, my man... Darth Vader.

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