Sunday, January 30, 2005

An afternoon of tea

(click the above to see more images)

Austin, TX - Jan. 29, 2005
A group of Tea Affectionados decended upon Rio Grande Street for an afternoon of Tea at the Tea Embassy, one of the VERY FEW shops in Austin completely dedicated to tea.

(now I will revert back to my normal informal writing style)
Carol, Bob and Jonathan Sims own the place... A big house on the corner of 9th and Rio Grande. It's been around since 1872, but the tea shop opened up just last summer. Carol said her business started when she found out that she couldn't buy a bone china Chatham Tea Pot in the US (like MANY cool things in existance). She began selling them via the internet and things kinda grew from there. They originally started with plans on being a tea room, but were not interested in all of the... um... crap(?) involved with opening a resturant.

Well, anyway... about the evening. We started at 1pm and ended at around 5pm. It was $50 for the seminar and there was about 17-18 people there... Some very nice people by the way. Not quite the stodgy bunch that I had imagined. We we allowed a 10% discount on all purchases made that day, so we all proceeded to shovel cash into the register.

Overall, it was a nice experience. In terms of tradition, they mostly discussed English tea which, being a heterosexual male, I found it overly prim. I have more of a concern with consistant brewing than whether or not I should have my pinky in the air when sipping a cup.

We tried around 16 teas or more that evening. Being a tea consumer for a couple of decades now I have formed opinions on tea and found Tea Embassy's to be of a discernibly high quality. I was also impressed by their collection of other tea gadgets, even though most were meant to appleal to the "proper" tea drinker with lots of flowers and lace (and crap). :P

I recommend the Fancy Formosa Oolong and Georgian Village teas if you enjoy a complex Oolong or Black tea. I am a fan of the good old green Gyokuro as well if you like a more vegital flavor.

The prices we competitive and the selection was nice, especially on Rooibos. They had more Red Bush tea flavors than I've EVER seen in my life... Even some with Chili bits and pepper in it!

If you love tea and live in the suprisingly tea desolate city of Austin, I say do yourself a favor and spend the $50. It's worth it.
Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

A home visit from Scorpion!

(a mug only a momma could love... but not my Baby's Momma!)

Not as exciting as a visit from The Scorpions, but just as scary. I was awakened from my deep wine induced slumber at around 6am to the sound of a squealing wife. "SCORPION! SCORPION! THERE'S A SCORPION IN THE BATHROOM!"

I had to find something quick, not knowing the speed or agility of the beast... I sprung for the biscuit-getters (socks) and wrestled him to the ground... Ok, ok.. I pinched the tiny thing between my sock covered fingers. It was about the size of a quarter in length overall.

I put him in a little dish for observation and noticed a piece of carpet fiber notted around his tail. I got my tweezers and loosed him. He seemed pleased with that and with the fact that I called off the cats that my daughter had summoned to do away with him. He was later released into the wild where it was wet and 45 degrees. I'm sure his giving me the scorpion version of "the bird" for that. My work here is done. It's always nice to give Mother Nature a hand when she slips and busts her ass.

Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ok. I think I found our new SUV! (running joke)

(Click to see Lieb282 in all it's massive glory)

We did a lot of research. What would be safe for the 2 year old in case of an accident? What would be roomy enough for the stroller, the diaper bag, groceries, a cooler and some toys? What would be unique and not blend in like every CR-V in Austin? What would make HumVee owners say "Oh SHIT!", when we come barreling down the road toward them?

Even the ole UNIMOG couldn't match the Liebherr-T282B for sheer axis-tilting mass. I don't know how I'm gonna find Spinners for this baby... I'm sure I can find something at a helicopter surplus store.

I think it's big enough... I could build a 3/2 in the back and still have room for a small lap pool and hot tub. Hrm... now I got myself thinking... I'll let you know what the wife says.

Went to the dealership and picked up a pamplet. I'm a little dissappointed it only goes 32 MPH. I'm gonna see if I can add a turbo to it. It might burn a bit more gas, but the tank is 830 Gallons, so I should be able to coast from one Diamond Shamrock to the next. If it ever run outta gas, I could just turn it into a bed and breakfast until the tanker truck arrives. See? I'm working out the details here. Keep ya posted.
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Seriously Good Product of the Week

SGPOTW time... At first I wanted to post this:

Portishead's DUMMY album as Product of the week, but I changed my mind. Not that they don't deserve it; I mean, 229 SLAMMING four and five star reviews is nothing to kick outta bed... but posting music as POTW is turning into a crutch. So, I gave myself a bigger challenge and dived back into the bins at Amazon to drag this to the surface:

The Sonicare 7500 POWER Toothbrush. Pricy? Yes. But it will hit your cavity creeps with a vibrating can of whup-ass. Thirtyone THOUSAND strokes per minute! (I would make a sick joke here, but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm bad about self censoring... Like I'm gonna run for president or pope or somethin').

I got the 7300. It has maybe one less bell or whistle, but scrubs the HELL out my teeth! I endorse this product... Buy it, use it, the people who have to look at you will appreciate it.

The only "CON" I have so far is that they want you to replace the brush every 6 months. They ae sold in packs of two and they're like $20. With tax, it's like a $50 yearly subscription to brushing your teeth... Unless you're the only one who uses it... then half that.

It tips the toothbrush rating scale at 59 mostly four and five star ratings, averaging out to 4.5 stars total. It's a keeper. You can travel with it too and brush your teeth for a week without charging. Schweeeet.

Redesigned Logo = Supadupa Fly!

(Panel of Judges)

A big shout out to everyone who submitted logo ideas for the site. I thought about it long and hard... I did some soul searching... I Presented them to a panel of judges... I compared them all from atop the highest mountain... and have decided upon ONE! You can see it to the left, right above my geeky mug (about me).

Great Job cue! (Mister "The-name-is-always-spelled-lower-case") I love the incorporation of the State Capitol Building in the little pastel orby ball thingy... very creative! Enjoy the $500 Prize Money... and don't blow it on a heavy night of Black Pepper Jack Doritos and Kombucha Teas like you did last time! Lewz3r.

Yahoo! News - Gates foundation injects 750 million dollars for infant vaccination

Yahoo! News - Gates foundation injects 750 million dollars for infant vaccination

That's great! I'm glad The Gates is doing something to help the kids. Sort of a Norton Antivirus for humans. Now if he can just figure out a way to defrag my brain I would be very happy... but knowing Bill, he'd prolly give me a good fdisk format c:

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

PalmOne CEO Steps down - Palm dying slow death.

This is the first step in the demise of Palm. I've been predicting it since June of 2004 and they will be looking to be absorbed, sold, or something critical by mid 2006. They are becoming stale and indecisive. Unfortunately M$'s bloated Pocket OS and it's crappy interface has bitten off too big of a chunk of the Palm Pie and as The Emperor says "Now... You will Die."
(or as the narrator in Gauntlet might say "Palm is about to die!" following with a "Palm needs food badly!")

The MUST HAVE photo organizing app (free from google)

Screen shot from Picasa2

You've gotta do yourself a favor and GET Picasa2! It is a ROCKIN' way to organize and touch up your photo library. I give it three thumbs up! You can find it FREE at
Sorry to my Mac friends... It's PC only : (

Once you get it, sign up for found by clicking on the little sunrise icon at the end of this message. A great way to share and host for your blog. It get's a five-wood rating!

Posted by Hello

Digital Camera ESSENTIALS!

What do you mean you lost the wedding photos?!

This little proggy has saved my heiney more than once:

It's simple to use and has performed miracles... should be considered for Sainthood.

If your camera's memory card has ever been corrupted or maybe you want to see what someone has "erased" off of their card.... This little app will take care of bidnezz and reveal more than you'd prolly want to know. GET IT! IT IS FREE!
Posted by Hello

The next add-on for the Helix?

This truck is in deep dew-dew.

I wonder how my scooter would look going down the highway with these in tow. As you can see by the inset image, these are just helium filled balloons that are tied to the vehicle. Makes for a striking conversation piece! Posted by Hello

A perfect compliment to the heat seekers.

I gotta find out who did this paint job. My scoot would be extra sweet if it looked like it was armor plated. Anyone have any clues, I'll take 'em.Posted by Hello

New method of hosting my photos.

The last cold night in Austin (click to enlarge).

I will be using to host my images going forward. It takes care of hosting, resizing and adding thumbnail / archive versions of the image so NOW you can actually click on the picture to view a larger version. enjoy!
Posted by Hello

Melancholy Masterpiece of the week: Heavy-hearted Honda

The Grim CR-V

Another Palm Pic taken during our one trip to Chedders. I'm having a hard time coming up with pics because people are always smiling in them. It's hard to show gloom when everyone is showing gums! Enuf with the grins already!Posted by Hello

Monday, January 24, 2005

Reason #34 to get a designer - Avoid Miscommunication

Sometimes a designer will help you avoid common pitfalls or miscommunication. If you attempt even simple design work yourself, your outcome may be misconstrued by your audience and actually harm your business instead of helping it. At least get a professional's opinion before you go printing your business signage and stationery.

What's that sound?

Heard a noise coming from the guest room last night... We live on the second floor, so if someone was breaking in they would have to be pretty damn tall. Brought my gun, just in case. Turns out it was our neighbor's kitty "Boots". We filed a police report and Boots will have to remain in custody until the hearing next Tuesday. We think he was in our cat's nip-stash again. We asked what he had to say for himself and he just tried to play it off, batting at our accusing finger.

Our little bundle turns TWO!

Jan 23, 2005 marks the second celebration of Miranda's day of birth. With cake, family and festivities the event was held in our humble apartment due to the sudden cold-front (temps in the 40s and 50s for just 2 days returing to 77 on Tuesday). Thanks to everyone for making it a success! Mark and Terry provided great food and drink, Tracy helped to make sure Great Gran could join in on the party. Peggy (Grandma) offered stunning, handmade bracelet gifts to all the girls at the celebration. We also had special guests Nikki and Mya from Orlando and Steve, Christine and Faith from upstairs. The celebration continued at Zen on SoCo where we met up with Justin, Erin and Alex for a little bowl of noodles and some cake.

We all had a blast and hope that little Mya's ear is feeling better soon (ear ache).

Seriously Good Product of the Week

This week's SGPblah blah blah is another CD (I almost said Album... how's that for old-school).

Alison Krauss & Union Station's NEW FAVORITE. Weighing in at a hefty 135 four and five star ratings, this music will be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys... sound. Alison's voice is like smooth, buttery, angels hipnotizing silk birds... I know that doesn't make sense... but you'll understand when you hear it. I've seen her perform a few times and she does it so effortlessly. THAT'S talent baby! Caution... If you aquire this CD you will never be able to listen to your Ashley Simpson CD again. :P

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Don't forget the Archives!

Some of you may be looking for the older pictures and articles and wonder where they are. Don't forget about the archives which can be seen by clicking on the Archive Link on the left hand side of the screen, right above the "I Power Blogger" icon.

Will Whole Foods come through???

If you've ever been to Bavaria, you will experience a mouth watering reaction when staring at the above photo. It is a picture of 3 Nürnberger Brats in a Brochen with spicy mustard... sitting on a marble table.

Well, I took a trip to Whole Foods (6th Street) and asked the Meat Guy (Oscar) if they could custom make me some Sausages. He said I should talk to the new guy (who's name I forget). The New guy is supposed to be someone with a degree in sausage engineering from Germany who came over from Central Market. Oscar told me to come back and chat with him to see if it's something he could put together as a special order for me. IF so... I may throw the most delicious Oktoberfest party ever in Austin.

I printed out the recipe and will keep you posted as to what he says.

Missed out on Albert (the sausage king). I mentioned what I was doing and the guy behind the counter said "Oh yeah... He can do that." I'm getting a good feeling about this.

One bad muthascooter!

Peep this!

This will be my next scooter. An Italjet 180 Dragster. How sweet is that?
If you wanna see more go to:

and check them out... AND we have a dealer right here in Austin... JOY!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Suzuki G-Strider Seating Position = Laid Back

You know... I was curious how the seating position works out on the G-Strider Concept bike... Well here it is... I can see how I would look sitting on the bike... If I were much tiny'er, and Asian, and female with..hardly any clothes on. Oh well. It's hard to imagine, but seems strangely comfortable!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hey Scott... These guys take their Roms SERIOUSLY!

I think it translates into... "Roms Collector". These people complete their Roms collections through covert operations... Things like, sneaking into Nolen Bushnell's house and stealing his old floppy and tape collection to have his unpublished Roms.

Beat THAT!

So you can finally cancel your subscription to:

Monday, January 17, 2005

Seriously Good Product of the Week

This week's SGPOTW is a bit different. I don't want you to think Consumer Reports controls my music buying habits. I listen to what I damn well PLEASE! But AMAZON did me right with this recommendation.

Massive Attack's Mezzanine Album. I don't think ANYTHING on Amazon is more wood-inducing than this with a WHOPPING 319 four and five star ratings!!! For real! TRY to find something more treasured on Amazon! I don't think you can do it.

If you have even the slightest interest in moody trip-hop (IDM), you will be 0wn3d by this album. If not, you will think it's pretty damn cool anyway and prolly dub it off your man to listen to when you're workin' the 'night shift' if you know what I'm sayin. Your woman/man/partner will definitely dig it.

Damn! Somebody did it... Found something even more cherished than Mezzanine... It's:

The Iron Giant Special Edition... with a jawdropping 345 4 and 5 star ratings which average out to FIVE STARS. That's pretty good right there... (please note, the 4 & 5 star is an average... you can always sort "lowest rated first" and see things like "Very violent and confusing to small children", so take that into account before you use it as a substitute to Dora the Explorer or Oobi).

I will own this when I get my allowance.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mr. Potato head Star Wars geeks... REJOICE! Vader fans GAG!

You know... I'm a Star Wars fan... and, I love me some Darth Vader...

But when you let the Executives start coming up with ideas, you usually come up with some crack-rock inspired, lunacy like this... Darth Tator. They managed to suck every bit of dark-lord pimpdaddyness from Lord Vader and reduce him to vegetable not even suitable for mashing. What a mess. They're killing off my heros one by one. What's next?! Augratin Einstein?
(shouldn't have opened my big mouth)

Read it here:

Revenge of the Piston!

Woohoo! Another gathering of the Piston-heads on a sunny sunday afternoon; and MAN it was brisk... We're talking long-johns and two-jackets brisk (I apologize to my readers in Chicago, Jersey, Denver, and Anchorage for complaining about the sub 60 degree weather). But, if you think that stopped us from 'gettin' our scoot on', you're WRONG. We hung out at Jo's and chugged down gallons of tea and coffee... (I think my Pumpkin Late was possessed by the devil though, cause I could feel him poking my lower intestines about an hour after I drank it. Maybe it was bad milk or whipcream).

Anyway... We had had a pretty nice showing.

We had this blue bute show up. I didn't get the year, but I know the rider had lots of character.

Here's the scoots from another angle:

You can see a super sweet '66 Vespa in all of her mostly-original glory.

There was also this clean little number with lots'o chrome luvin'. You could move to a new apartment with all that storage!

I even broke down and gave the ole Helix a bath...

Later that day Al, Fred and myself went riding up in the hills. Al and Fred we're abducted by two aliens, shown here:

I would have saved them, but I was busy looking geeky:

As you know, Fred pushes a big Bergman 650. He's gotten it easily over 100mph and would appreciate it if you don't tell his parole officer (jk).

Al was on his People 250... see here:

I had a chance to ride it a few miles and I can safely say it is quite the responsive little scoot. It had nice pick up an rode more like a motorcycle due to the large (14") wheels. I had very few complaints. I would prolly install a larger custom wind screen and drop some brighter break and turn signals in it - and I really missed my Helix's barcalounger like seating... but for the money (in the low $3,000s) it is VERY practical choice. Some neo-talian curves to it and a big honkin' grill...

...make for a unique design that looks better in person than on their website.

We all had a good time and look forward to a warmer Sunday so we can all ride in our skivvies.

For more info on the Piston Broke Scooter Club in Austin, check out:

Ride it like you stole it!

Melancholy Masterpiece of the week: Chili of Despair

I won't wait until Monday to post this sad little number which was taken by me on my Palm Zire 71. As you can see I was having a rough time in Cincinnati (BAD CLIENT) and was seeking consolation in 2 Chili Cheese Dogs and a 5-Way. I'm at Camp Washington Chili, home of the best yankee chili you've ever tasted... It would immediately be spat out by a Texan. Texan's don't include ingredients like.... Cinnamon or Cocoa in their 5 Alarm Bowl of Beef. If you want the recipe, leave a comment and I'll post it.

America is FINALLY getting Smart...

Next year we will finally be catching up with the rest of the civilized world. We will be importing the Smart (as seen here parallel parking).

The only car designed by Swatch (the watch company) and sold out of giant vending machines.

Idn't it cute? It would look great next to your bike:

and in Texas, you could always just tote it around on the back of your Hummer incase you run outta gas:

From another perspective... (yeah yeah I know... "You get killed in that thing!")
(or.... "Get a real car! A hummer will roll right over you and not even notice!")

Although, you can't squeeze Mini Cooper horse power out of a three cylinder engine. This is more like a 4 wheeled scooter with a roof. I would buy one, but I suspect they will be a bit pricy for what you get. Time will reveal.

Read more here:

and finally.. if you live in Central Florida and want to test drive one, check out this guy: