Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Seriously Overrated Product of the 21st Century - Diamonds

(A bride poses next to the defaced memorial to Cecil Rhodes in Cape Town.)

I like to question where rules and tradition come from. One of the mysteries was Diamonds. How come you can't get married without one? Who invented the "2 months salary" rule? Why are they a girls best friend? The deeper I dug into this mystery the dirtier and stinkier it got. If your bored or curious go check out this piece by Mama Redcloud. It would be great if more girls (and GUYS for that matter) thought like her regarding diamonds. More rantings to follow tonight.

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Bluetooth headset for your helmet...IN the US... FINALLY!

(thank you cardio systems for helping us Americans get up to speed)

Everyone knows the US is a great little country with lots of smart creative people, yadda yadda. But we are also the lamest when it comes to cool new technologies - ESPECIALLY in the wireless communication arena. Momo (specifically the Italian company's helmet division) has been in bed with Motorola for a LONG time now coming up with something that should have been done YEARS ago. A bluetooth headset for helmets. If you're on you bike/scooter and you get a vibrating in your pants (phone call), you have to pull over... Take off your gloves... glasses, helmet... pull out the phone and by then, you've missed the call. Imagine being able to just tap a little headset and start blabbin'.

Well it appears to be right around the corner for the poor ole technologically lame US. Yes, a company that I hadn't heard of previously is layin' down the lub with the ScalaRider - 100 RC/FM. Well... this is actually a bt headset that includes FM capabilities. Nearly perfect (assuming those function as promised). Add on Stereo headsets and the ability to hook up my mp3 player and IT'S ON! Not to say I still won't try to funnel money from the kid's college plan to pick one up... but it could use an extra bell and a couple of whistles.

Got this from their website:

The Scala Rider™ is an immensely feature rich tool

  • Receive and initiate calls while riding your motorcycle
  • Weather protected headset fits any motorcycle helmet even under rain and snow conditions
  • Self-installation of entire system within 5 minutes, leaving no traces on helmet when removed. Instant quick-release and re-attachment mechanism for headset unit.
  • HIB (High Impact Balancing) Microphone for inter-city speed conditions.
  • AVA Technology: Speaker volume adjusts automatically according to ambient noise level and driving speed. No need to use volume buttons.
  • VOX Technology. Receive or reject incoming calls by random voice control.
  • Special clamp allows daily attachment or release of the headset from helmet within seconds.
  • Optional FM Radio
  • Optional Remote Control on handle-bar provides multiple cellphone and radio functions. Self-Installation in less than 5 Minutes.
  • Recharging from any regular outlet.

  1. Wind-resistant microphone also works at high-speeds
  2. Quick-release clamp to attach or detach headset within seconds
  3. Super-slim speaker fits any helmet and adjusts volume automatically
  4. Large, easy-to-reach control button
  5. Separate FM radio button
  6. Separate volume and radio station search buttons
We'll see about that Cardio Systems.... WE SHALL SEEEEEEEeeeeee...
(steve backs out of the room with a fury of hand-wringing and evil laughter)

(If I get one to demo I'll give it the full-nelson and see if it submits or turns around and whups my pessimistic ass)
Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I hope no one I know falls for these.

(darn! how many times do I have to update my records?!)

Oh brother... Phisherman really get on my nerves. Not so much because they prey on poor newbies and steal their account info then drain the accounts of all their money, but because they are from other countries and their english is atrocious. I know my spelling is bad, but give me a break! They do all that hard work to grab the PayPal logos, and attach a rerouted link to what appears to be a legit paypal.com address, but they can't get an American to pitch-in and proof the english. COME ON GUYS! Slide some American hacker a few bucks and let them help you out here... For example:

It has come to our attention that due some internet frauds some accounts have been stolen."

What?! If someone reads that and still get's taken they deserve it... Unless they are old and just getting the hang of this internet fangled thingy... In which case, I feel bad for them and they should have their grandkids come over to help them figure this stuff out.

But I leave you with this... PLEASE for the love of Vannevar Bush, DO NOT do anything "name and password" related through an e-mail or instant message request. DON'T get taken and reward these cheap Phishing bastards who can't even come off the hip to get their English done right. That's all for now. Good day and happy easter.

(and if you see a font prob... please ignore it.... Blogger is kinda crappy with fonts)

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Peeps marketing madness!

(I'm on the bandwagon... waving to the crowd)

I'm just riding this Peep wave here. They are prolly going to get the most hits ever this week, so I thought I'd try to get a few hits while the tide is high. (shameless, aren't I?)

Anyway... Have you seeeen what kinda Peep paraphernalia you can get for the oh-five? It's madness! I do wanna get a couple of the Peep Plushes though for the occasional cheap joke (d'oh! I didn't mean that one.. sorry).

Well... that part appeals to the kitchy keep Austin weird part of the blog... now for the geek part. Go here for in depth research on peepkind... you peepgeek!
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Seriously Good Product of the Week

(You can make peeps from the safety and comfort of your own home)

GeekAustin is gettin' down with the whole Easter celebration on this one. Have you been wanting to introduce your kids to some peeps, but been afraid to let them outta the house and into the cold cruel world?

Well now they don't have to get their peeps on the streets. MSNBC did a big write up on this... So get all the info there. I just saw this as a photoshop op... and a good time to make fun of the author Gary Krakow. I mean... look at that dude's photo. I'm serious... Go to the MSNBC link and tell me if he doesn't look like a pissed-off mafia dude who needs a haircut... but he starts his column off with:

"I have to admit I’m addicted. Every year at this time, my knees get weak and my eyes light up when I see one of the first signs of spring: marshmallow Peeps on store shelves. Those super-sweet, neon colored delights always bring a smile to my face. What could be better?"

See? People don't always look like they read... With an intro like that you'd imagine it was written by a 16 year old girl. If you see him... tell him that he writes like a 16 year old girl and let me know if he giggles in delight or breaks your kneecaps.

Thanks to our GeekAustin Florida news correspondant MARK for the link! He's a peep fanboy. His wife lets him make the bed with Peep Sheets. For REAL!
Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sorry for obsessing

(Yamaha Maxam - Customized)

Well... call me a fanboy, but I can't stop my quest to find out more on the Maxam. Found a place to buy custom gear for it. I don't understand a word they are saying, but I like it.

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

SxSW Report: MF Doom disses his peeps

(Stan Lee says: This was all prophesized in Sub Mariner #13 back in 1972)

I used to be a big fan of hip-hop back in the day (1984). I even had my share of groups and albums... but my love of hip-hop began to wane over time and pretty much collapsed during the whole "Who's better, Tupac or Biggie?" battle... Frankly, I think they were both over-rated.

Well, it was somewhere around 2000, when I heard this dude MF Doom. I was fascinated by his flow and then THAT'S when a good friend of mine, Martin, filled me in and said that MF Doom was formally Zev Love X from KMD... KMD just happened to be one of my favorite groups ever in Hip-Hop, so I feverishly began tracking down all his releases and have stayed pretty up to date, even though he releases an album every other month under a different moniker.

So... back to South by Southwest. I decided that since I missed him LAST year at SxSW, that no matter what I would check out his show this year. -cut to Saturday Night 11pm- I'm riding around in circles looking for a parking place downtown. After an hour, found a place that costs $10. Got to Emo's... Had my big honkin' camera with me... Doormen tell me "no cameras allowed". I return camera to parking garage. Come back... Pay $10 to get in. Have beer... Wait.... Wait... Wait... 1:30am rolls around (about the time Doom is supposed to step up), and Aesop Rock says "Sorry folks, but Doom will not be here tonight. His curfew is at 2am, so he's not going to be able to make it." I took it as a joke, but sure enough... He didn't show.

One rumor from APD says "then someone who worked there told me that he told his tour manager he wanted a limo to bring him there and she thought he was being disrespectful and they got into some huge argument and he decided not to come on."

I'm not sure what happened, but I am sure that I was disappointed... like when Dubya was put back in office... but I digress.

The only thing that brightened up the situation was something Stan Lee posted on the MF Doom forum. The comic above says it all (click to see it larger).

Anyway. Doom! If you're out there. Why don't you show Austin some love and kick it one time... Pro bono. I'll make arrangements with Red Fez so you can grab the mic even if it's for 15 minutes. That will make it all better. Aight?

You can hear some free samples here, here,
here and guest shots here and here. HEAR HEAR! Ya heard? (be sure to right-click and open in a new window or tab 'cause I was too lazy to add the html code.)

Posted by Hello

Monday, March 21, 2005

Houston we have a problem.

(out damned spot!)

I knew you could find oil in Texas... But under my scooter is NOT the place I wanna find it.

Went for a FAB, ride up in the hills with Fred. Fred rides the 650cc Burgman. He's a nice guy even if his concept of time and space is a little different than the rest of us (haha). The weather was of a ridiculously high quality. Nice clouds. Nice winds. Dry roads. The smell of Texas wildflowers was in the air. Riders in New Jersey would kill for this weather (sorry Susan).

Well, we did about 200 miles together and my scooter held up nicely... but when I woke up this morning and looked at the ground I saw this oil leak. Now I'm worried. I am mechanically inclined, but not in a motor vehicle sense... Only because I haven't done any motor vehicle work myself. I think now's the time to learn. I've got some people looking at my photos to give me some hints and I may try fixing it myself (wish me luck).

Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

Crotch Rocket... SCOOTER?!

(It's a Burgman... you prolly woulda never guessed)

Fred sent me this photo. I'm not sure where he got it or any of the details, but when he gets back in town I'll ask him. The only thing I do know is that this used to be a mild mannered Suzuki Burgman 650 and is now something that looks like it can haul some serious ass!

More details to follow.
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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Kite Fest: What went wrong? And The Piston Broke Meetup.

(Click to see a BUNCH of images)

Well. I'm back. Lemme reflect on last Sunday.
The weather was great! I bit windy for two wheeled riding, but nice none the less.
Headed out to Zilker Park to peep out the 77th Annual Kite fest (it was rained out the Sunday before).... and... It looks like I wasn't alone. Nope. Every human with a mode of transportation was also headed to Zilker. Traffic was dumbfounding. I talked to some people who placed the blame on the busses. Not that it wasn't great to have a park-and-ride to the venue, but the busses couldn't get to Zilker because of all the traffic! If you thumb through the images, you'll see the traffic that I speak of. It was so nasty that I had to turn around and forget about it... and I was on a SCOOTER! I really felt bad for the moms with 5 kids in the back of their Suburban.

The city needed to block off a path from the parking zone all the way to the park for busses only. Oh well, maybe next year.

After that fiasco, I headed to Jo's to meet up with Piston Broke. Our local, infamous, scooter club. We had a great time and even took a moment to strike a pose. Then we checked out the 60's event going on at the LBJ library. One of the few free and good things to do in Austin.

(soap box: Wassup with that anyway? Yeah, sure, there's some other fun free things in the ATX... but there are many things that SHOULD be free and arn't. Like that Christmas Bazaar where they were chargin' like $10 at the door... to SHOP! And Zilker charges to park on the weekend. At least we got great places that make up for it, like the Central Market free Concerts. *steve steps off the soap box*)

Well, lemme go back to before we left Jo's. While I was heading to Zilker, I saw two guys driving some strange 3 wheeled scooters. I shot some pictures and asked if they could meet up with us at 2:30pm so the other scooter heads could gawk. The guy I talked to was RC Beall, and he said "Sure! See you at 2:30." and they were off. When they did arrive, we had a chance to talk. RC Beall owns Coffee Traders, a VERY successful coffee roaster and distributor. Well, not only does he roast coffee, but he also sells these 3 wheeled freaks of the scooter world. The Bajaj 3-wheeled utility series. Check them out here. They were pretty cool and very eye catching. Lots of people were hovering around to check it out and RC even gave some of us a ride down SoCo. Good fun!

Well, I'm still catching up from being outta town. So I'm gonna stop now. If you look at the pictures and see one you want, just shoot me an e-mail and I can send you the original 3.2MP image so you can print it and hang it on your wall. Ciao!

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Just got back from Philly and boy are my jokes tired.

(cheesesteak as seen from a first-person perspective. Click for more.)

MARCH 14, 2005 - Phlying to Philly

It's funny, but in Houston. People flying to Philly will bring Charles Philly Cheesesteaks onto the plane... We are GOING to Philly. Wouldn't you WAIT until you got there to buy a cheesteak? Just curious. I almost asked someone, but he appeared like the uptight sort, like he might snap if questioned. You never know nowadays. I've seen some belligerent people on flights.

And another thing... and this is something I hate. When people THROW their seat back when reclining. Like they're trying to do a backward somersault. PLEASE, you do not have to get a running start to recline your seat. Show some friggin' courtesy for your fellow flyer. Sometimes I'll glance back to see if someone is using their space before reclining. When I do recline I do it slowly and gently. NOT like I'm hoping the person behind me is bent forward so I can knock them unconscious. It is NOT an Olympic sport. I for one have been pummled by a highspeed recline and it sucks, especially if the person is clueless about their attack.

Speaking of flying... I hate having to feel like I need to work while on a flight. Flying is a much different experience for someone who is 5'5" than 6'2". As a "big mofo", I find it hard to work in the confines of my seat with my laptop pushed up to my belt... and if you have an Olympic recliner sitting in front of you, forGET about it. I have to resort to resting the keyboard on my gut and placing the display on the foldout tray and typing with my elbows akimbo.

Oh yeah. One last thing about flying. You ever get a isle seat in a row where someone has the window seat? You know it's a full flight (it seems ALL flights are full today), so you sit and wait to see who will be the "middleman". A small Asian girl walks toward you glancing upward toward the seat numbers... YES! But alas, she passes and as she does you notice 3 Cornfed Hustonians following closely behind. "Please don't be the middleman, PLEASE don't be the middleman" you think to yourself. I was lucky this flight, but I've had my share of tight squeezes. Once I was the middle man with a football player on my left and a fightfighter on my right. I felt cozy, like a banana.

Anyway... I know this is long-winded, but I wrote most of it on the flight. Not a whole lot to say about my 48 hour trip to Philly. The highlight of the trip was a stop by Dalessandro's (on Henry Ave & Walnut Lane). It is there that I consumed my FIRST Native Philly Cheesteak. It was great... but you know what made it great? The roll... It was a local that pointed that out for me. If you could overnight some of those rolls, you TOO could make a killer cheesesteak. Click on the image above to see who the secret roll supplier is.

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Friday, March 11, 2005

Could Yamaha steal my Honda Heart?

(I know it's not right to have these feelings for another scooter)

If you've been keeping up with the blog, you'd know my personal mode of transportation is an '86 Honda Helix (249cc Scooter). The Helix is a great little scooter... Prolly the most practical scooter I could have bought. Once you get past its "Proto-speeder bike" looks, you'll find it to be comfortable, easy to handle, and capable to leaping tall buildings in a single bound... Um, I'm mean capable of running on the highway at 70 MPH. The retro 80's body style hasn't changed since...the... Eighties, and looks the same even in 2005.

Well, it was only a matter of time before someone saw this design gap and filled it with all their scooter engineering goodness; and that someone is Yamaha. They just introduced the Maxam Yamaha CP250; a low slung, laid-back, slick-lined 24bhp, 249cc Scooter Cruiser. It comes in a variety of colors. Has lot's of storage. It even sounds kinda mean... for a scooter that is.

Sure to be loved by Japanese Kids and envied by some American Kids, it sells for ¥630,000 or roughly US$6100.00. Pricy? Yes... For a 250cc scooter it's up there. Will we ever be able to lay eyes on it in the USA? That's another question completely. When I get word back from Yamaha, I'll let you know.

*** UPDATE March 18, 2005 ***

Called Yamaha US and they are absolutely clueless about anything in Japan. I asked for Yamaha Japan's number and they gave me a fax number (which I discovered after I tried to call them). I had to resort to begging my Japanese friends to hunt some data down for me. If anyone out there has Japanese Yamaha contacts, please ask for me. THANKS!

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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

RESURRECTED - Spinich is supposed to be good for you!

*Originally posted at 11:32pm on Jan 25, 2005*

I hated to do this, but I had to resurrect this old post. I was expecting a written response from Earthbound within 7-10 business days. Well, it's been over a month with no reply, so I sent a little follow up just to make sure I wasn't forgotten about. Like to hear it? Here it go.

Hello Marcie,

Just wanted to follow up. I hadn't heard anything back since our last
discussion (see below). Didn't get the mail response. Is everything

We'll keep you all posted on the status...

***UPDATE 3/22/05***

Well... They came through! Wrote a nice little letter (don't know where the wife put it tho). Basically saying "Sorry that you ate tote." and sent me a little checky bling-bling to cover another bag or two of the green stuff (spinich of course).

Anyway, good looking out Earthbound Farm! I'm back in the Baby Spinich game again. Really, they are good peeps and I recommend them for providing fresh organic greens anytime... Although I will be more careful not to choke on tote again in the future.


Almost Dentist-bound... Watch for Plastic Objects!

Click on the above image to see what I chomped on for lunch today. See that little white square above the penny. Looks like a piece to a weed-eater and it produced a resounding "Crack" when I bit into my home-made spinich wrap. It was a simple concoction. Bread wrap, turkey, cheese and the contents of the above bag. I took everything in the bag (spinich, peanuts, and dressing) and threw it into a glad disposable container. Shook it around and stuffed it into my wrap. about 1/3rd of the way through the meal my teeth clattered and my munching came to a halt. I'll keep you posted if I find out what went wrong here.

Got a reply from Earthbound Farm that went something like this:
"Thank you for your e-mail and the pictures posted on your web-site. We apologize for the condition your salad was in. I sent the pictures to our quality assurance department. They have identified the object as a piece of tote. This is highly unusual as our salad go through a pre-wash and are spun to remove any materials brought in from the field. We will be sending you a response by mail in the next 7 - 10 business days.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention."

I was a little concerned where she said it was a "Piece of tote"... When taken outta context I had to really think about it... Tote? Is that like the industry term for "Dried out piece of turd?" or a Goat Turd... Toat? But... I googled it and found a tote. So, I'm ok with that... I could stop my imagination from getting further out than goat turd.

More updates in 7-10 business days!

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GT's got a new attitude.

(GT's New and Improved Bottle!)

Kombucha... Next to Kifer, Animal's blood, and Pabst Blue Ribbon, Kombucha is one of the hardest beverages to get your friends to try... Especially if you brew it yourself. Basically, it's infected Sweet Tea... Full of yummy bacteria and yeasts. I like it and so do many other freaks of nature.

Well, GT Dave finally got up off his backside, slipped on the old Birkenstocks and shuffled down to the local graphic designer shop to brighten things up a bit. You see, GT's OLD label was... um... lacking. Although my Palm Pilot's camera isn't doing justice, you can still see a marked improvement in the label. Now it looks updated and more like GT Dave's arch-nemesis' drink, Kombucha Wonder Drink (which I don't support because it is Pasturized... killing all the little buggers swimming around in there... It's like eating deepfried sushi.)

Anyway. If you have an interest in trying Kombucha or brewing it yourself, shoot me a message and I'll hook you up with the info.

*steve can't wait to get his camera back*
Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005

Puma's new pair of Butt-Uglies

(The Fangz help with the scaring of little kids and the laughing of friends)

Not quite sure what puma was thinking here, but a limited edition (500) of The Beisser (translating into "The bite" or more accurately "The suck") will be sold to people who have no taste. I really am curious to see what they look like when you've got them on though. I'm a sucker for unique crap.

Puma would have been smart to license KISS's Gene Simmons for these shoes. Looks like something he would run in. Other than that? I guess if you could replace the rubber spikes with carbon steel, THAT would be cool... otherwise... They are stinky.

*Puma... Maybe I was a little harsh. Send me a pair to demo on the site and we'll see if my attitude changes.

A sweet replacement for 7up

(Stuff is slammin' = A+) Posted by Hello

Those who know me know that I LOVE to try new beverages (except maybe for that Jones Soda Turkey and Gravy Soda). I've had quite a few unique bottles lately and have found one that is "SUPA GOOD". Do youself a favor and hop on down to Whole Foods (or something similar) and pick up a bottle of Green Bottle Elderflower Presse. Yes it's more expensive than your neighborhood 7up, but tastes much better. Try it and if you disagree... I'll drink the rest.

I also like Riggs & Forsythe's Authentic Dry Cola. I think it's the most natural you could make a cola short of chewin' on the nut and following it with soda water. (confusingly, this Dry Cola actually has 23 g of sugar and 90 calories and according to Coke's website, coke has 10.6 g and 41 calories per 100 ml... but it taste more yuckier than R&F's Dry Cola)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ignorance is bliss... Knowledge is depressing.

(should come with a shot of Mylanta)

Well... My subscription to Mother Jones magazine finally came in. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I've never been a reader prior to January '05, but heard some good stuff about it. I guess I thought it was going to be more like Utne or MentalFloss... A mixture of wit and wisdom, but it turns out that Mother Jones magazine is a mixture of Doom and Gloom. I got halfway through the issue and found out about: Private companies snuggling up to the government taking heaps of our tax loot to do a bad job filling in for what the governement should be doing. Rat Poison companies buying the EPA so they can keep their poisons on the shelves and not limit the purchase to licensed individuals. Drug companies finding untapped markets in the sleeping pill arena and making blitz campaigns to convince us that we are all insomniacs.

There was one "feel-good" article about Nicholas Reville and Holmes Wilson. They are making a HUGE impact on the music industry and trying to get money from the listener to the artist.

Another little bit that could be summed up as "50 reasons to elope and not buy a diamond".

Then it was back to Gloom with Big Halliburton type companies getting government contracts without having to compete, by hiding behind small Native owned businesses. Basically they can come in with their Eskimo mask on and demand however much money they want.

Lastly I was saddened by the Bushmen of the Kalahari being kicked off of their land (of 30,000 years), so the government can mine for diamonds. Greedy bastards.

That's as far as I got before I gripped my stomach and ran for the antactids. Terrible, horrible stuff. A friend of mine asked "You say governent is deciteful, but how do you know that THEY (MJ writers) are telling the truth and not promoting THEIR own agenda?" and really no one knows unless they are there for themselves. Everything else is just trust and faith.

In the end, it's a bitter pill to swallow for a recovering member of the Sheeple. It's MUCH easier to happily take your tax "refund" and run down to the Walmart and blow it all on cheap crap with a little left over for a big mac at Mickey Dees.

If you wanna see things that you won't catch on the evening news, and you've been feeling a bit TOO joyful lately... You can either wait for your depression meds to run out or pick up a copy of Mother Jones Magazine! Either way you'll be feeling gloomy again in NO time!
Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 03, 2005

PSA - Austin's 77th Annual Kite Festival THIS Sunday.

(utterly stoked-out kite watcher)

Barring inclement weather, this Sunday will be the day to go to Zilker. Be there at 11:00am and try to catch the shuttle-bus parking. For ALL the gory details, go to this site. See ya there.

Well... Turns out to be a rain-out. I was told by a local that it gets rained out EVERY year. Basically, 77 years ago, they had a kite fest and every subsequent year has been a rainfest. It MAY be rescheduled for this Sunday. Only mother nature knows for sure. I'll keep you posted.

Foodie haven opens in Austin... Local Mom & Pops not so pleased.

(an artist sketch of the perpetrator)

Well... I wanted to have tons of pretty pictures for you today, but the wife has lent the camera to that nice Dahlmer boy next door. He's such a quite little kid... keeps to himself a lot and enjoys digging holes in his back yard.

But seriously tho. When I get my camera back, I'm gonna give the world it's first peek at the WHOLE FOODS LANDMARK STORE (always to be said with an echo effect per their identity package). Kidding. Anyway, this place is really posh. Lots of organic fruits and veggies. Exotic flowers. Pretty displays. It's all quite overwhelming. Lester, you practically live across the street. You'll have to give me your take on it.

I was very impressed. What was I NOT impressed with? Well, for one... It was MAD packed in there. Yeah, yeah... I know, "It's the grand opening of the LANDMARK STORE store store store." But I was hoping that it would have been SOOOO big that I wouldn't have seen another person, except maybe someone at a info booth with a map and a compass telling me where to find the organic soysauce. I'm telling you; every hipster and high-roller in town was there. The parking lot was full of Bikes and Hummers and CR-V's (the unofficial SUV of Austin). It was so packed, EVEN the parking lot of the old Whole Foods across the street was PACKED! AND IT WAS CLOSED! Maybe there was a big sale at Book People, who knows... but if you had dreads or a Rolex, you were in da house!

So... What else was wrong? Well, not wrong for me, due to the convenience, but inside the store there were a bunch of little islands, for lack of a better description, that had specialties that you would normally see at a little mom and pop shop. There was one that had ROASTED NUTS. That's unusual for a Whole Foods... I'm sure the peeps at AUSTIN NUTS where not so *snicker snicker* NUTS about that, now were they? And there was a COFFEE BEANS area (just like before), and a HAND MADE SOAP area, and a BBQ Pit (I'm sure that Rudy's was smokin' *giggle giggle* about that!) and on and on and on. Enough handcrafted goods to kill almost every mom and pop in a 8 mile radius. I'll document them all when I get my camera back. It was kinda sad in a way... But from a mass consumers point of view, it was tah-die-for. There was a GIANT sea food area, and a MASSIVE meat area. There was tiny little island resturants all over the north side of the building. Very creative and hip little spot. There was a roof deck where you could slide on the playscape (please let the kids go first) and a band playing salsa, son, rumba, mambo and they were quite nice (didn't catch the name though). The sound system was impressive as well.

Will I shop there? Yes. Will I still go to Randal's and pick up my Austin Nuts? Yes. And yes I will still drive to Rudy's (my Saturday morning church) for BBQ beef breakfast tacos. I only bathe like once a week, so I'm not too worried about the hand-made-soap thing. But, I hope we can all get along and still pay rent at the end of the day. Austin's heartbeat is driven by independence. You get too much conglomeration and Super-store syndrome going on, and well, we could turn into another (insert stinky-town name here).

BTW. I saw a guy holding a sign out front that said "Whole foods is destroying our health". I wonder what that was about.

Cheers until next time.