(w00t! GeekAustin Reviews the PS3!)
Wow! It's great being a big time media rep! When Sony gives you a call and asks for you to do a piece on the new PS3, I mean... How can you turn it DOWN? Well... they didn't actually call me. I sorta found it lying in my driveway behind my CR-V.
Just there... on the ground. I was totally stoked that it arrived just before the big announcement. I'm not sure why UPS wouldn't have knocked or somthing... and I also thought it to be strange that Sony didn't even bother to put it in a box, but it was great to get to get a hands-on unit before ANYONE else in the world. BEAT THAT
Well, all I can say is this... IT'S FANTASTIC! The controller is unlike anything you've every held before. Wireless and completely natural. Sony REALLY raised the bar with this one. The controller even had integrated
iSmell. VERY innovative. My controller was stuck in like... I dunno, bananna(?) mode. Perhaps it's a beta issue. I'm sure they'll have it fixed in the final release.
I still haven't quite got the video working and they didn't include any games, but I'm sure that's a small oversight. I'll be calling Sony in the morning to see when to expect the rest of the shipment. I CAN'T WAIT! I'll keep you posted... Until then, this is GeekAustin signing off!
Sony hasn't returned my calls yet. It's all good though. I got a friend that works for Sony. His IM says "N/A" right now, but as soon as he pops online I'll see when to expect the rest of the unit and the games and stuff...
The controller is totally weird though. It's got like a color changing paint job. Who knows how much THAT costs to implement, but this morning it's kinda brownish with some cool dot effect and the stupid iSmell won't turn off. I imagine it will run outta juice here in a bit. Even the fruit flys are confused by this thing. Those guys at Sony are sooooooo friggin' out there! This thing Rawks!